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CollegeQuo 'PLANNA' For the Caribbean Student (Printable)

CollegeQuo 'PLANNA' For the Caribbean Student (Printable)

Regular price $6.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.50 USD
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Our college PLANNA is the best organization tool that will help students from 3rd form to 6th form to plan and successfully execute their college prep journey.

Our planner consists of annual college prep checklists, to-do lists, notes, passion project planning, extra curricular planning, college list creation and refining, application/scholarship deadline trackers, and more!

This planner is sure to help you/your child stay organized throughout this stressful and confusing journey, and better understand all of the moving parts at play.

This PLANNA is optimized for Caribbean based students. We have another planner in our store optimized for American High School Students!

Copyright © 2023 by CollegeQuo. All rights reserved.

Please note that the copyright act prevents any unauthorized distribution of these materials. We will seek legal recourse in ANY case where these files are distributed without permission, including, but not limited to, resale and piracy.

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